Best Practices for Internet Passwords
An Internet Banking password is used to access your online banking and bill pay information. The following guidelines can assist you in creating a 'strong' password to protect you and your online accounts.
Strong passwords have the following characteristics:
- Contain both upper and lower case characters (e.g., a-z, A-Z)
- Have digits and punctuation characters as well as letters, e.g., 0-9, !@#$%^&*()_+|~-=\`{}[]:";'<>?,./)
- Are at least eight alphanumeric characters long
- It is not a word in any language, slang, dialect, jargon, etc.
- Are not based on personal information, names of family, etc.
- Passwords should never be written down or stored online. Try to create passwords that can be easily remembered. One way to do this is to create a password based on a song title, affirmation, or other phrase. For example, the phrase might be: "This May Be One Way To Remember" and the password could be: "TmB1w2R!" or "Tmb1W>r~" or some other variation.
Note: Do not use either of these examples as passwords.
HCB Password Standards
- Passwords must be at least 8 characters long.
- Passwords require at least 1 upper case letter, 1 lower case letter, and 1 number or special character.
- The special characters allowed are, ! @ # $ % ^ * ( or ).
- Accounts will become inactive after 60 days if not used.