Website Privacy Statement

Huron Community Bank (HCB) believes the basis of each customer relationship is trust. If you have chosen to do business with HCB we are obligated to honor that relationship with great care, beginning with the information you have chosen to share with us. We understand that your privacy should not be compromised. At the same time, we want to offer you the array of financial products and services you need to accomplish your financial goals. We believe we can do both through the privacy policy outlined below which applies to all HCB products and services you may utilize. Click here to review a copy of our Privacy Notice.

Each HCB director, officer and employee is required to follow our 'Code of Business Conduct', which states that all customer information is considered private and privileged and is to be used solely for the purpose of providing you with the finest service available. We restrict access to your personal and account information to those employees who need to know that information to provide products and services to you. HCB maintains physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards that comply with federal standards to guard your nonpublic personal information.

HCB also recognizes the need for security on the Internet, which is why we have security standards and procedures in place to protect against unauthorized disclosure of information or access to information about you from our website. Visitors to HCB's website remain anonymous. We do not collect identifying information about visitors to our site. Some areas of our website may use a "cookie" temporarily stored in the visitor's computer memory (RAM) to allow the web server to log the pages you use within the site and to know if you have visited the site before. We may also use standard software to collect non-identifying information about our visitors, such as:

  • Date and time our site was accessed
  • IP address (A numeric address given to servers connected to the Internet)
  • Web browser used
  • City, state, and country
HCB uses this information to create summary statistics and to determine the level of interest in information available on our site. You can set your web browser to inform you when cookies are set or to prevent cookies from being set.

Visitors may elect to provide us with personal information via email, or online registration forms. This information is used internally, as appropriate, to handle the sender's request. It is not disseminated or sold to other organizations. However, please be aware that electronic email communications over the internet are not secure. When communicating with HCB via email, do not include sensitive, non-public personal information such as account numbers, social security numbers or other identifying information.  If you need to discuss sensitive information, please visit your local branch or call HCB.

At HCB, we value our customer relationships. We want you to understand how we use the information you provide and our commitment to ensuring your personal privacy. If you have any questions about how HCB protects your confidential information, please call your local branch office or Contact Us.

Online Banking Security Statement
Our online banking system brings together a combination of industry-approved security technologies to protect data for the bank and for you, our customer. It features password-controlled system entry, a VeriSign-issued Digital ID for the bank's server, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol for data encryption, and a router loaded with a firewall to regulate the inflow and outflow of server traffic.

Secure Access and Verifying User Authenticity
To begin a session with the bank's server the user must key in a Log-in ID and a password. Our system, the online banking system, uses a "3 strikes and you're out" lockout mechanism to deter users from repeated login attempts. After three unsuccessful login attempts, the system locks the user out, requiring either a designated wait period or a phone call to the bank to verify the password before re-entry into the system. Upon successful login, the Digital ID from VeriSign, the experts in digital identification certificates, authenticates the user's identity and establishes a secure session with that visitor.

Secure Data Transfer
Once the server session is established, the user and the server are in a secured environment. Because the server has been certified as a 128-bit secure server by VeriSign, data traveling between the user and the server is encrypted with Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol. With SSL, data that travels between the bank and customer is encrypted and can only be decrypted with the public and private key pair. In short, the bank's server issues a public key to the end user's browser and creates a temporary private key. These two keys are the only combination possible for that session. When the session is complete, the keys expire and the whole process starts over when a new end user makes a server session.

Router and Firewall
Requests must filter through a router and firewall before they are permitted to reach the server. A router, a piece of hardware, works in conjunction with the firewall, a piece of software, to block and direct traffic coming to the server. The configuration begins by disallowing ALL traffic and then opens holes only when necessary to process acceptable data requests, such as retrieving web pages or sending customer requests to the bank.

Using the above technologies, your online banking transactions are secure.

Additional Huron Community Bank Documents - Privacy Notice